Submission Guidelines

Thank you for considering submitting your work to SpeakFreely! We’re always eager to collaborate with creative minds and thoughtful writers who share our passion for promoting a free society. Below are the guidelines to ensure a smooth submission process:

We publish articles on a wide range of subjects within the realms of politics, technology, culture, and economics. Some submissions are published in our online blog, some in our physical print magazine, and some in both.


SpeakFreely articles should be written from a libertarian or classical liberal perspective—generally speaking, we seek articles grounded in beliefs in the sovereignty of the individual, economic freedom, academic freedom, and the right of each person to live their lives as they see fit so long as they do not harm others.


Articles for SpeakFreely should be factual, logically structured, and written in clear, understandable English. We are not an academic journal, so clarity and accessibility are paramount. 

Articles should either identify a problem (and propose a solution) or relate a current pop culture product (e.g. a film, book or TV show) with libertarian philosophy.

Articles with a problem/solution topic might relate to:

  1. A specific rights violation committed by a government body or authoritative institution
    (e.g. ‘State Surveillance in Wales: The dark side of the Online Protection Bill’)
  2. A specific regulatory hurdle that causes problems to freedom and/or prosperity.
    (e.g. ‘Locked Out: How new occupational licensing law hurts Ohio’s working class’)                
  3. A recent political development that either poses a threat to or provides an opportunity for liberty.

(e.g. Vox: Rise of the far right in Spain?)

Articles that refer to a pop culture product should ensure that the reference is timely and relevant.
(e.g. Unimaginable Worlds: Unraveling the Libertarian Message in ‘Alien: Romulus’)

Articles should not be too vague or abstract in their chosen themes and topics; for example, the topics below are too broad:

  • The History of Free Speech
  • The Importance of Free Trade
  • Why Liberty Matters

Instead, please relate your article to a specific event, bill, law, legislation, rights violation, pop culture product, etc.


If you are interested in conducting an interview for Speak Freely, please email us at to see whether we are interested in an interview with the person you have in mind. If we’re interested, we will reach out to discuss the matter further.


All submissions must be exclusive to Speak Freely. If an article has been published elsewhere in any form, we are not interested in receiving it as a submission. 

Article Length and citations

Articles should be between 800 and 1500 words in length. Sources that you would like to cite should be hyperlinked in the body of the text. Please note that you should include a source for any claims that you make.

Submission Format

To send us a submission, kindly send an email to with the subject line “Submission: Title of article”. Include the link to your article, a one or two-sentence summary of your article and a short bio in the body. Submissions should be shared as Google Docs, in 14-point Times New Roman font. 

You may draft the document in another application, such as Microsoft Word, and upload it to Google Docs. Copying and pasting is not recommended, as this generally causes formatting issues. PDFs will not be accepted. 

Please note that we do not offer monetary compensation for the articles we publish. We are looking forward to your submissions.